Apartment in the Center of Tisno (4+0) TP133A
Tisno, 22240 Tisno
Two-story Apartment in Tisno is located in village center. It consists of bedroom with double bed, bedroom with double floor mattress, living area with kitchen, terrace and bathroom. There is aircon in living area and one one portable aircon in the second floor. . Bedrooms are interconnected. Distance from the festival site is 15-20 minutes walk. 200 meters from the apartment is grocery store, bakery, bars, etc.
Tisno is situated partly on mainland and partly on Murter island. What separates them is a small bay, only 38 meters wide. It is the youngest island resort. Connection between land and island is a mechanical bridge that opens twice a day during summer season.
For our guests we provide transfer (at a reasonable price) from the airport or city to the accommodation in Tisno. You can choose car (up to 4 people) or mini bus (up to 8 people).