Apartment in Tisno (12+1) TP73A1
Tisno, 22240 Tisno
Apartment in Tisno (12+1) is located in the village center, consist of six bedrooms with double bed in each one, ( plus one additional bed) living area with kitchen and one aircon, bathroom is in every bedroom, and terrace. It is equipped with TV, electric kettle, toaster, microwave and refrigerator. Parking is provided. From the festival location distance is 20- 25 min walk.
For our guests we provide transfer (at a reasonable price) from the airport or city to the accommodation in Tisno. You can choose car (up to 4 people) or mini bus (up to 8 people), so you can safely, comfortably and on time arrive at your desired destination. We understand that the clients time is the most valuable and we believe that our service will fullfill your requirements. Our drivers will drive you with the full responsibility to your desired location. With comfortable and safe driving they’ll make sure you meet any schedules.
Max.number of persons: 13